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"Helping Hand" of the Month - July 2008
doing well at school? Depressed with your report cards? Here is what Brendan
MacCarthaigh, an Irish priest who has made India his home, would say,
“Whether you get big marks or small marks or high grades or low, you are
still the same lovely youngster. It is only a mark on a page. Your subjects
have almost nothing to do with your life, your relationships have. If you
are getting on even fairly well with family, friends and teachers, you are a
great young person. All the rest is unimportant.” Click
here to read about SERVE, the only NGO in India committed to the
elimination of suffering from the classrooms of India. In a country where
nearly 24% of all suicides are committed by children who fail in
examinations, the importance of its work cannot be over-emphasised.
Previous "Helping Hand" of the Month
Human behaviour today must be
changed if we do not want nature to be angry with us. So says Heng Monychenda, Director and Founder of
Buddhism for Development (BFD). BFD is
a Cambodian
NGO that was established in 1990 by Buddhist monks in Thai border camps with
the aim of helping the people of Cambodia resettle into a peaceful society
after nearly 30 years of conflict.
This year BFD celebrated its
15th anniversary in promoting socially-engaged Buddhism in Cambodia.
Read about what working towards a 'Dhammocratic Society' means in a country
that has over 4000 monastries, and where people are still coming to terms
with the deadly legacy of the past.
Click here to read about
Buddhism for Development
Updated July 2008 |