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Buddhism for Development, Cambodia Put Down The Gun, Take up the Dharma! Buddhism for Development (BFD) has a far-reaching vision for Cambodia: An educated, democratic society free from poverty and preventable illnesses, law abiding and respectful of human rights and the environment. A moral society with respect for Buddhism and Cambodian culture. This vision and the hopes of organizations like BFD are underscored by the painful memories of Cambodia's violent past. A bare 30 years ago, the Khmer Rouge regime put to death hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children through execution, starvation, torture and forced labor. Monks were defrocked or executed, temples were razed and Buddhism was outlawed. In three-and-a-half years, out of a population of eight million people, almost two million people died. And still the nightmare was not over. The Khmer Rouge were finally defeated in 1979 by an invading Vietnamese army. But when they withdrew, burning rice field in their wake, widespread famine struck the countryside. Starving refugees fled across the border into Thailand, where dozens of crude camps sprang up.
Established with the aim of helping the people of Cambodia resettle into a peaceful society after nearly 30 years of conflict, BFD today runs programmes on health, education, conservation, social and economic development (see their website http://www.bfdkhmer.org for more details). It has eight branches in various provinces of Cambodia. It focuses on practical measures to improve the lives of rural people: better education, cleaner water, affordable seeds. Under Heng Monychenda's guidance, BFD has helped temples begin community reforestation projects, lent its old tractor to farmers, started two kindergartens for children, established Cooperatives, and given loans to poor farmers for income generating activities.
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in favour of "BFD" can be mailed to: Email: bfdkhmer@camintel.com Home page: http://www.bfdkhmer.org
HelloLife.org thanks Monks Heng Monychenda and Bun Salout for telling us about their work