Events / Press Release Broadcasting Service

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Launch your products and services in the international development sector


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Over 270,000 international development colleagues subscribe to our weekly DevNetJobs Newsletter?

DevNetJobs maintains country networks in India, Geneva and Ghana.

Are you organising an Event, bringing out a new Publication, or launching new Products, Survey or Services? Let over 270,000 international development colleagues know about it.

Organisations, Publishers, Media Agencies and Individuals wishing to advertise their events, publications, press releases, products and services can do so via our international development jobs newsletter. The Notice will also be linked under the "Latest Notices" column on the Homepage for 15 days for maximum visibility.

Please Note:

1. The maximum length of the Notice is 180 words and can include a logo or a photograph. The text should contain an email id and /or a weblink to allow interested people to contact you.
2. The link description to your Notice to be posted under the "Latest Notices" column on DevNetJobs homepage should not exceed 20 words.
3. The payment of USD 75 has to be made in advance of circulating and posting of your notice.


Click here to make USD 75 payment for your 180 words Notice


and, Email your (maximum) 180 words Notice and a (maximum) 20 words Link Description to after making the payment, along with the order number you will receive after a successful credit card transaction. has the exclusive right to approve / disapprove notices to be posted on its website and mailing list

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