Consultant – Gender Responsive Budgeting - Ministry of Women & Child Development
UN Women – United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Location: New Delhi
Last Date: September 28, 2011
Email: (Reference:
Date of Issue: 14 September 2011
Closing Date: 28 September 2011
SSA Announcement No. UNWOMEN/SRO/2011/017
Job Code Title : Consultant – Gender
Responsive Budgeting - Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government
of India
Organization : UN Women – United Nations
Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Direct supervisor : Director, Ministry of Women and
Child Development Government of India/ GRB Specialist, UNWOMEN South Asia
Sub-Regional Office
Duty Station : New Delhi, India
Type of Contract : SSA
No. of positions : One
Duration : One Year
UN Women
is a leading supporter of efforts towards ensuring that
national planning, budgeting and monitoring and evaluation processes
incorporate a gender perspective.
UN Women's GRB
programmes at cross regional, regional and country level have made
significant contribution towards this by building political support,
developing technical resources and capacity, generating good practices
for improving women's access to services and increasing accountability to
gender equality. The programmes have also launched partnerships with UN
agencies and other development partners and resulted in increased support
for GRB around the world. GRB initiatives supported by UN Women are
continuously cited at high level policy forums and have been instrumental
in building alliances with strategic stakeholders including the European
Commission, OECD, UN agencies and the Commonwealth Secretariat among
UN Women's approach
to GRB has focused on introducing strategic and sustainable changes into
budgetary processes. This approach has been pursued by assisting
governments to introduce measures for incorporating gender into their
public finance management systems, and building the capacity of and
officials to apply GRB to ensure that budget policies and outcomes are
gender-responsive. This approach also emphasizes the importance of
bringing gender equality advocates, parliamentarians and other
stakeholders into the budgeting process.
UN Women's programming
on GRB consists of a portfolio of cross-regional, regional and country
level programmes. The cross-regional programmes on GRB were formulated
with the vision that they would support piloting and knowledge building
on GRB and generate approaches and lessons for mainstreaming gender in
national budgeting processes. These cross regional programmes have set
the foundation for expanded regional and country level programming on GRB.
The main regional programming is found in Latin America
where UN WOMEN has been working in partnership with United Nations
Volunteers (UNV) and CEPAL (with support from the government of Spain) to
implement various projects to strengthen policy response to
women's unpaid work and support women's role in participatory budgeting
processes at local level. In recent years, CEE launched extensive GRB
programming with a regional programme implemented in Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, and Moldova. In 2009,
UN Women’s
offices in Asia Pacific and Arab States convened in Bangkok to develop a
coherent regional strategy for GRB. Finally, the Africa Region has issued
the first draft of its regional GRB strategy.
In India,
Gender Budgeting has been recognized as an effective tool for women’s
empowerment and addressing gender inequality. The Ministry of Women
and Child Development (MWCD) adopted the mission statement of ‘Budgeting
for Gender Equity’ in 2004-05 for universalizing Gender Budgeting
both in the Centre and the States and developed a strategic framework of
activities to implement this mission.
UN Women
has supported all GRB Initiatives of the Ministry
of Women and Child Development since the beginning of GRB processes
in the country. It has provided valuable resources for the GRB Handbook
and Manual that the Ministry launched in 2009.
UN Women has also organized three regional
workshops on CEDAW (Convention on Elimination of Discrimination against
Women) and GRB for the Northern, Southern, Eastern and North Eastern
regions, in close collaboration with the Ministry and civil society
experts. UN Women has also provided technical support to the Ministry of
Women and Chid Development on GRB from time to time.
Terms of
Reference for Consultant:
UN Women is seeking to engage one consultant to
support the MWCD in raising awareness regarding GRB of various
stakeholders and assessing the impact of various gender-based policies
and initiatives.
Duties and Responsibilities
Conduct trainings and orientation programmes on
Gender Budgeting for (i) Union Government, (ii) State Governments,
(iii) District level officers, (iv) PRI members, (v) Training
Institutes and (vi) NGO and others;
Collaborate with training institutions/organizations
engaged in training activities with a view to furthering the aims and
objectives of Gender Budgeting and providing technical inputs on Gender
Developing training tools, manual, and other IEC
materials on GRB;
Gender Audit of identified schemes;
Collate, compile and analyze information and data
received from Ministries/gender Budgeting Cells on Gender Budgeting
Document and disseminate resources for GRB, such as
case studies and best practices;
Assist in preparation of documents pertaining to GRB,
including Annual Reports, Annual Plans and Results Framework Documents
Process papers/proposal received for GRB;
Assist in preparation of Sanction Orders and Bills
and monitor progress of unutilized receipts and disbursements,
utilization certificates, vouchers, etc. related to assignments
pertaining to GRB;
Analysis of document s/references from different
Ministries/ States from a gender perspective
Analysis of Union Budget Statement 20
Assist in preparatory work for review meetings with
Secretary and Ministers, including, preparation of resource materials,
agenda papers, minutes etc;
Any other duties assigned
Training material on GRB, including copies of
presentations made, manuals and IEC materials
Reports of GRB Trainings held for various
Reports on analysis of schemes from a GRB
Reports documenting case studies on GRB including
best practices
Comments on GRB reports received by the Ministry
from various sources
Gender Audit Report of schemes and programmes
Monthly Progress reports
Required Competencies and Skills
Post Graduate degree in social sciences, women’s
studies or a related field
5-7 years experience of having worked on gender
Experience of working with Central Government
desirable, though not mandatory
Excellent writing, presentation and documentation
skills required.
Monitoring of Assignment
The consultant will be supervised by the Director,
MWCD and GRB Specialist, UN Women
Time Frame
October 2011 to October 2012
Contributing to DRF/MRF Outputs
UNIFEM SRS 2008-2010
Output 4.1 and Output 4.3
Interested applicants should apply for the vacancy, using
the “Personal History Form - P 11” and the
latest CV.
Application to this vacancy should be sent to
Please insert SSA Announcement Number in the Subject of
the E-mail. Applications without the SSA Number or with the incorrect
SSA Number will not be accepted.
NOTE : Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.