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of Afghanistan’s National Trade Policy
Harakat - Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility
Location: Kabul
Last Date: August 26, 2011
Email: careers@harakat.af (Reference:
Harakat-Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility
Development of Afghanistan’s National Trade Policy
Date of Issue: 08:00 A.M Local Time, 26 July, 2011
Submission Deadline: 04:00 P.M Local Time, 26 August, 2011
Submission Place: Harakat- Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility Organisation
(Harakat-AICFO), Main Road Kart-e-Char, before Police Station Three, House # 26,
Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact Person: Mr. Chance Zilinga
Head of Finance and Procurement Unit
Email: chance.zilinga@harakat.af
Office: +93 (0) +93 (0) 752044000
Cell phone: +93 (0) 796 037 752
(Sealed proposals shall be clearly marked and received prior to the time and
date specified above. Proposals received after said time and date will not be
accepted or considered.)
Harakat-AICFO is an independent, not-for-profit, Afghan managed organization
that provides grant funds to the private sector, government and civil society to
implement projects that reduce or remove institutional and regulatory barriers
to doing business in Afghanistan. Harakat-AICFO aims to improve Afghanistan’s
business environment by removing obstacles to private investment.
Harakat does not implement or manage investment projects; it funds the
activities of others, supporting the reform role of the Government and
complementing the vision of the Private Sector. Harakat is an initiative of the
UK’s Government’s Department of International Development (DFID) which provided
the initial seed funding. Other multilateral, bilateral and private sector
funders will augment this seed funding to support practical, result-oriented
projects that promote the following 8 priority areas:
1. Financial markets that provide greater access to finance and affordable
credit to all sizes of business, especially SME’s;
2. Streamlined and more effective regulations and creation of regulatory impact
assessment systems;
3. Increased private sector investment in infrastructure, especially energy,
water and transportation;
4. More equitable and efficient taxation and customs systems;
5. Strengthened property rights and more effective contract enforcement;
6. Higher workforce productivity and mobility and improved labour market
7. Strengthened competition policy that reduces anti-competitive practices; and
8. Improved capacity of government and institutions to tackle corruption.
Our aim is to make a tangible difference to how people do business within the
next 7 years. Given the targeted time period, we function along private sector
Harakat’s aim is not to replace the government, or civil society’s important
work in reducing barriers to sustainable business. We support the positive
initiatives already happening in various sectors, work in partnerships with
existing and emerging key players, and provide funding so that more of these
become reality. Harakat will use the available funds to identify and fund
practical projects that will increase the attractiveness and ease of investing
in Afghanistan.
The following definitions apply throughout the RFP:
Applicant: The entity that needs technical assistance for the purpose of
implementing the project, hereafter, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry is
called the Applicant in this RFP
Donor: Harakat-Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility Organization (Harakat-AICFO),
hereafter, Harakat-AICFO is called the Donor in this RFP
Grant: The total amount of money provided by Harakat-AICFO for the purpose of
implementing the Project
Project: Development of Afghanistan’s National Trade Policy
Offerors: The entities that are interested to provide the Technical Assistance
(TA) for the Applicant and participate in the bidding process for the Project
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) has the key role in the Government
of Afghanistan of encouraging economic growth through the development of
appropriate policies and regulations, and through the facilitation of internal
and external private sector production and trade.
The MOCI’s General Directorate of International Trade (GDIT) leads negotiations
on regional and international trade agreements and engages in dialogue with
traders to ensure that the Ministry is responsive to their problems and that
their interests are represented in all trade and trade related agreements signed
by Afghanistan. Ultimately, the Directorate’s work on trade agreements aims to
integrate Afghanistan into global and regional economies to ensure the
competitiveness of domestic industries and add to the attractiveness of
Afghanistan for investors.
The main objectives of the Project are:
1.1. A: To address the “knowledge gaps” in trade data by reviewing the fresh
research undertaken across target sectors in existing trade data and literature
B: To build a database to house all existing Afghan trade related data in a
user-friendly format.
1.2. Proposals to be Submitted
Technical proposals are solicited from interested and qualified firms. The
administrative and technical requirements as detailed throughout this Request
for Proposal (RFP) will apply. Financial proposals shall be submitted along with
technical proposals. Upon detailed evaluation of the proposal, one firm will be
selected for contract negotiation.
1.3. Contract Funded By the Donor
The contract will be funded by the Donor in accordance with the terms and
conditions of its grant to the grantee or Applicant.
2. Instruction to Proposers
2.1. Project Title
The project is called “Development of Afghanistan’s National Trade Policy”.
2.2. Examination of the Documents
Offerors should carefully examine this RFP. It will be assumed that Offerors
have done such inspection and that through examinations, inquiries and
investigations they have become familiarized with local conditions and nature of
problems to be solved during the execution of the project.
Offerors shall address all items as specified in this RFP. Failure to adhere to
this format may disqualify an Offeror from further consideration.
Submission of a proposal shall constitute evidence that the Offeror has made all
the above examinations and investigations, and is free of any uncertainty with
respect to conditions that would affect the execution and completion of the
2.3. Responsibility for Cost
Offerors shall be fully responsible for all costs incurred in the development
and submission of the proposal or any cost incurred by Offeror prior to issuance
of an agreement or contract. Neither the Donor nor the Applicant assumes any
contractual obligation as a result of the issuance of the proposal request, the
preparation or submission of a proposal by an Offeror, the evaluation of
proposals, or final selection.
2.4. Confidentiality
The Donor and the Applicant will use its best efforts to preserve the
confidentiality of any business proprietary or confidential information
submitted by the Offerors, which is clearly designated as such by the Offeror.
2.5. Language of Proposal
All proposal documents shall be prepared and submitted in English.
2.6. Proposal Submission Requirements
The Cover Letter in the proposal must be addressed to:
Mr. Chance Zilinga
Head of Finance and Procurement Department (HFPU)
Harakat- Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility (Harakat-AICFO)
Address: Main Road, Kart-e Char, Before police station three, House # 26
Kabul, Afghanistan
An original and two copies of the proposal must be received at the above address
no later than 04:00 P.M. on 26 August, 2011.
Proposals may be either sent by mail, overnight courier, or hand-delivered. Upon
timely receipt, all proposals become the property of the Donor.
2.7. Packaging
Each proposal must be sealed to ensure confidentiality of the information. The
proposals should be individually wrapped and sealed, and labelled for the
content including “Original” or “Copy number x”; the original and two copies
should be collectively wrapped and sealed, and clearly marked for content.
Neither the Donor will nor the Applicant responsible for premature opening of
proposals not properly labelled.
2.8. Authorized Signature
The proposal must contain the signature of a duly authorized officer or agent of
the Offeror empowered with the right to bind the Offeror.
2.9. Offeror Qualifications
As provided in Section 3, Offeror shall submit evidence that they have relevant
past experience and have previously delivered advisory and technical assistance
services similar to those required in the Terms of Reference (TOR).
2.10. Prime Contractor Responsibility
Offerors have the option of subcontracting parts of the services they propose.
The Offeror’s proposal must include a description of any anticipated
subcontracting arrangements, including the name, address, and qualifications of
consultants and subcontractors.
2.11. Award
An award resulting from this RFP shall be made to the best qualified Offeror,
taking into consideration the evaluation factors set forth herein; however, the
right is reserved to reject any and all proposals received and, in all cases,
the Donor and the Applicant will be the judge as whether a proposal has or has
not satisfactorily met the requirements of this RFP.
3. Award Criteria
A Selection Committee of representatives from the Applicant and the Donor will
initially evaluate individual proposals. The Committee will then conduct a final
evaluation and completion of ranking of qualified Offerors, and the Donor shall
promptly negotiate a contract with the best-qualified Offeror. If a satisfactory
contract cannot be negotiated with the best-qualified Offeror, negotiation will
be formally terminated. Negotiations shall then be undertaken with the second
most qualified Offeror and so forth.
Key competencies and eligibility criteria:
• Agency must have proven track record in undertaking similar assignments. It
must have a multi-disciplinary team, which has significant experience in, and
familiarity with socio-economic surveys. Basic understanding of trade issues is
• Agency should have its own infrastructure (computer systems, soft-wares etc.)
and manpower to be deployed to complete the assignment in time-bound manner.
• Good documentation, analytical and communication skills in Dari/Pashto and
English. Fluency in Dari and Pashto for team members operating at the field
level is required.
• Sufficient capacity and networks to draw upon the highest quality resources
• Bidders should provide documents in the form of work order, completion
certificates of completed assignments and any other documents to validate the
experiences claimed.
• Monitoring, Supervision and certification of the works of the agency will be
done by Afghanistan’s National Trade Policy Project Manager.
The selection of the Offeror will be based on the following criteria:
Criteria Max. Points
Relevant experience/expertise in the legal context of Afghanistan, previous
similar experience, and specifically in the area of private sector/stakeholder
engagement. 40
Best pricing for the implementation of the project activities which lead to meet
the project’s objectives 30
Realistic work plan with feasible timeframes to implement the project 10
CVs 10
Work Methodology 10
The MOCI’s General Directorate of International Trade is undertaking the
project, Development of Afghanistan’s National Trade Policy (DANTP), funded by
Harakat- AICFO. The ultimate aim of this work is to improve Afghanistan’s trade
performance by developing a targeted and evidence-based trade policy. The
project aims to address the current problem of patchy and uncoordinated data on
trade in Afghanistan by reviewing the research on existing knowledge on imports
and exports, plugging the remaining data gaps, and developing a trade database
that contains this data. This three-month project covers the following
1. Addressing knowledge gaps, identified by MOCI, through targeted depth
interviews and focus groups, to create a comprehensive set of trade data;
2. Developing a professional database for the Ministry of Commerce and
Industries (MOCI), to be housed in the General Directorate of International
Trade (GDIT). The data from the additional research will be maintained in this
database. This activity will also include building the capacity of MOCI to
navigate and manage the trade database;
3. Providing on-the-job training for the GDIT staff and involve them in the TA
throughout the project implementation.
The Offeror team Agency should have its own infrastructure (computer systems,
soft-wares etc.) and personnel to be deployed to complete the assignment in
time-bound manner. GDIT representative(s) will be involved throughout the
implementation of the project and may accompany the Offeror in the above
Tasks and delivery
Below provides greater detail for each of the three components:
1. Research
The first component requires that the selected agency address knowledge gaps
relating to Afghanistan’s key exports.
Overall this component requires the following activities to be completed by the
selected agency:
• Review knowledge gaps, identified by MOCI;
• Design sound approach to depth interviews and focus groups to address data
gaps relating to Afghanistan’s key exports
• Undertake depth interviews of focus groups to obtain information that
addresses gaps identified
• Deliver complete research outcome document without gaps
o Results should be based on sound scientific methodology
o The quality of the research should meet regional/international standards
• Coordinate with the National Trade Policy Project Manager and to provide
feedback for Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) when requested
• Formulate and manage a detailed work schedule, and arrange logistics and
orientation of its local facilitators
Whilst MOCI is currently unable to provide precise details of the required
content of the focus groups and depth interviews, the Ministry is able to
confirm that the scope will be across the following key exports while the key
imports are yet to be identified:
o Carpets and handicrafts
o Fresh fruit and vegetable
o Dried fruits and nuts
o Marble
o Gemstones
o Medicinal herbs and spices
o Building materials (Cement, Wood, Bricks)
o Natural resources
Moreover, the research will indicatively focus on the following types of
o Afghanistan’s main competitors for each of the targets sectors (in both the
domestic market and overseas markets)
o Afghanistan’s competitive advantage for each target sector (perceived or
o Core weaknesses in Afghanistan’s products, across the key sectors (perceived
or actual)
o Key barriers to export growth across the target sectors
o Projected demand for products from each of the key target sectors, overall
figures and by market (perceived or actual)
2. Database
The second component of this project involves harmonizing existing trade data
into a comprehensive and user-friendly database. This would combine a range of
sources, including qualitative and quantitative (actual and perception) data.
The selected agency would be required to incorporate key data sources relating
to trade, including but not limited to the following:
• Central Statistics Office basic data on imports and exports, 2009-10 and
trended data
• TAFA’s Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey on Afghanistan towards
Trade, 2010
• OTF’s Competitiveness Survey, 2010
• MOCI and TAFA’s Joint Study on Unauthorized Trade between Afghanistan and
Pakistan, 2011
• MOCI’s Industrial Policy, 2011
• MOCI's SME Strategy, 2009
• The World Bank’s Investment Climate Survey and Doing Business Indicators
(notably ' Trading Across Borders' indicator)
• MOCI's sector strategies (Agri-processing, Carpets, Leather, Cashmere, Gems,
Marble, Construction and building materials), 2011
• Sector-specific research with a focus on exports which could indicatively
o Refah Maani's 'Prioritizing Export Opportunities for Horticulture in
Afghanistan', September 2003
o OTF’s Growth Strategy and Action Plan for the Carpet Cluster of Afghanistan,
April 2006
o OTF / CCCA's 'Strategy for the Marble Cluster', February 2006
o Chubb & J. Wright's 'Organic Export Feasibility Study' for RALF, May 2006
o Sophia Swire's 'Afghanistan Gemstones Sector Comprehensive Strategy for
Development', June 2010
o AISA's 'Market Prospects' documents on Agri-processing, Construction, etc. (no
• Findings from the focus groups and depth interviews conducted as part of
component one of this project
An important part of this component will be working closely with the MOCI’s team
in the General Directorate of International Trade to transfer skills relating
• Navigating the database
• Inputting fresh data into the database
This will require the selected agency to work closely with Ministry staff. The
Ministry will provide the necessary office space and furniture to facilitate
this activity.
The Offeror will report directly to Applicant and Donor on the project progress.
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