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EOI: Consulting Services to provide support to the FARA Board in selecting candidates for the position of FARA Executive Director

Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)
Last Date: August 31, 2011



Name of project: FARA Multi-Donor Trust Fund (FARA-MDTF)

Grant No: FARA-MDTF TF095129

Project ID No.: FARA MDTF TF095129/COMP2-CGRS

Consulting Services: Engaging a specialized international consultancy firm to provide support to the FARA Board in selecting candidates for the position of FARA Executive Director

This Invitation for Bids follows the general procurement notice for this project that appeared in the Dg Market, issue no. 4577029 of 10 November 2009.

1. The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) is the apex organization for agricultural research for development in Africa and the AUC/NEPAD mandated institution to lead implementation of Pillar IV of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) focusing on generation, dissemination and adoption of agricultural innovations. Harnessing the development and poverty-reducing potential of CAADP depends crucially on the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of agricultural research institutions and services in addressing the challenges facing African agriculture.

2. The mission of FARA is to create broad-based improvements in agricultural productivity, competitiveness and markets by supporting Africa’s sub-regional organizations in strengthening the capacity of the NARS for agricultural innovation. FARA delivers on its mandate through four mutually-reinforcing Networking Support Functions (NSFs) concerned with advocacy and policy analysis (NSF1/3); Access to Knowledge & Technologies (NSF2); capacity strengthening (NSF4); and development of partnerships and strategic alliances (NSF5). The NSFs mobilize and support FARA’s constituents and partners (Sub-regional organisations and organisations of the National Agricultural Research Systems) to undertake activities that generate continental spillovers and public goods.

3. The Forum for Agricultural research in Africa (FARA), seeks to employ an eminent African international scientist in the area of agriculture, with vast experience as an agricultural research and development manager and an astute executive administrator to occupy the position of Executive Director, following vacancy of the said position.

4. FARA intends to engage the services of an international recruitment firm to assist in the search for suitable candidates within the International community, and more specifically in the agricultural research and development sector. The expected objectives of the assignment will include the following:

- Support to the FARA Board in identifying suitable candidates and establish a list of candidates corresponding to the profile of the position;

- Assess the list of candidates established and propose to the Board the three best which will constitute the short list;

- Assist the FARA Board, during the interview process of the shortlisted candidates, by acting as its Secretariat;

- Guide the Board in selecting the best candidate who will respond to the expectations of the position in terms of experience in institutional development, scientific recognition, international stature, charisma and proven leadership qualities.

5. The Chairperson of the FARA Board now invites firms specialized in the recruitment of top level executives to express their interest in providing the services described above.

6. Through this call, interested firms must provide information showing that they are qualified to provide such services (brochures, references concerning the implementation of similar contracts, CV, experience in similar areas, experience under similar conditions, etc.)

7. The recruitment firm must be experienced in recruiting top level executives, mainly in the areas of agricultural research and development and management in general. They must possess, at least, the following key staff members:

 A leader specialized in the recruitment of top level executives , with at least 15 years demonstrated experience in the area and having carried out at least 10 similar missions as over the last 5 years; he/she must have a good knowledge of the intervention principles of technical and financial development partners, and must be able to work in top two languages of FARA (English and French);

 An assistant leader, specialized in the recruitment of senior executives, with at least 10 years demonstrated experience in the area and having carried out at least 5 similar missions over the last 5 years; he/she must have a good knowledge of the intervention principles of technical and financial development partners, and must be able to work in the top two languages of FARA (English and French).

 Other team members of like calibre who can effectively support the process

8. The recruitment firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Selection and Employment of Consultants by the World Bank Borrowers, January 1997, (Revised September 1997, January 1999, May 2002, May 2004, October 2006 and May 2010.

9. Interested firms that have fulfilled the required conditions could obtain complementary information from Monday to Friday and from 8H30 to 17 H00 GMT, from the following address with copy to .

10. The expression of interest must be written in English and French, in A4 format and must include both financial and technical offers. It may be submitted in hard copy at the following address:

Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
12 Anmeda Street, Roman Ridge
PMB CT 173 Cantonments
Accra, Ghana

or by electronic mail to with copy to by 31st August 2011 at precisely 16.00hours, GMT.

Dr. Tiemoko Yo
Chairperson FARA



A. Appointment/Tenure

The Executive Director of FARA is appointed by the General Assembly upon recommendation of the Board following a competitive world-wide international recruitment and selection procedure. Appointment will be on a contract for a fixed term, not to exceed five (5) years, with the option for one renewal also not to exceed five (5) years.

B. Functions and Powers: The Executive Director shall:

i. be as delegated by the Chairperson of FARA, serve as the chief administrative officer and legal representative of FARA ,

ii. provide leadership and manages the human, financial and physical resources of FARA and the FARA Secretariat,

iii. implement the decisions of the business session of the General Assembly and the Board,

iv. draft an annual work plan and associate budget, and reports on progress made to the Board and as appropriate to the business session of the General Assembly,

v. articulate new proposals and initiatives for funding by donors and African Governments,

vi. ensure the effective and efficient operation of the FARA Secretariat,

vii. put the appropriate mechanisms in place for the monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment of FARA’s activities,

viii. recruit, select and appoint the staff required for the operations of the FARA Secretariat,

ix. develop and recommend to the Board to establish the necessary rules and regulations governing the employment of the secretariat staff,

x. perform any other duties as directed by the Chairperson of FARA.


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